Business Communication,Directions of Communication
Directions of Communication

The Formal Communication Network:
          Superiors to subordinates (downward communication)
           From subordinates to superiors (upward communication)
          Among people at the same level on the organizational chart (horizontal communication).
         Among people in different departments within the organization (cross-channel communication)

Informal Communication Network:
The informal communication network (grapevine) transmits information through
non-official channels within the organization. Employees often say that the grapevine is
their most frequent source of information on company plans and performance.

The common characteristics of grapevine:
         Most of the information passed along the grapevine is business related, and most of it is accurate.
         The grapevine is pervasive. It exists at all levels in the organization.
         Information moves rapidly along the grapevine.
         The grapevine is most active when change is taking place.
         The grapevine is a normal, often vital, part of every organization.

         For an organization to be successful, communications must flow freely through formal and informal channels.
         The free flow of information within the organization not only stops rumors; it’s simply good business.

Barriers to Communication:

         Verbal barriers – These are related to what you write or say. For example:
         Inadequate knowledge or vocabulary
         Differences in interpretation
         Inappropriate use of expressions
         Over-abstraction and ambiguity

Nonverbal Barriers:
These are related to how you act which include:
         Inappropriate or conflicting signals
         Differences in perception
         Inappropriate emotions
It is generally more effective to depend on logic instead of emotions when communicating.

Communicating in Teams
         Task forces

Overview of Teams
         Increased information
          Diversity of views
          Support for solutions
          Improved performance

         Time issues
          Hidden agendas
          High costs

Effective Teams
         Have a clear objective
         Share a sense of purpose
         Communicate openly and honestly
         Reach decisions by consensus
         Think in creative ways
         Know how to resolve conflict

Ineffective Teams

         Communication issues, suspicion, and lack of trust
        Waste time and money
        Generate low-quality work
        Breed frustration 


Serein is an English-language documentary newspaper published in Dhaka, Bangladesh, founded in 2017.

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