Communication is necessary if an organization is to achieve its goals. Communication is the sending and receiving of verbal and nonverbal messages. 

The Components of Communication
         The Stimulus – A stimulus creates a need to communicate.
         The Filter – Our knowledge, experience, and viewpoints act as a filter to help us interpret (decode) the stimulus.
         The Message – We formulate (encode) a verbal or nonverbal response to the stimulus.
         The Medium- We select the form of the message (medium).
         The Destination – The message reaches its destination and, if successful, is perceived accurately by the receiver.

Types of Communication
Verbal Communication – Verbal messages are composed of words – either written or spoken. It is the ability to communicate by using words that separates human beings from the rest of the animal kingdom. Our verbal ability also enables us to learn from the past – to benefit from the experience of others.
Verbal Communication:
         Oral Communication – It is one of the most common functions in business. For Oral Communication to be effective, a second communication skill – listening – is also required.
         (A) Speaking
         (B) Listening

Verbal Communication:   
         Written Communication – (Writing & Reading) -Most oral communication is temporary; written communication is permanent. Examples of typical written communication:
Miscellaneous (contracts, newsletters, and bulletin-board notices)
Nonverbal Communication:
         Nonverbal messages are unwritten and unspoken. The six most common types of nonverbal communication:
         Body Movement
         Physical Appearance
         Voice Qualities
         Space & Territory (intimate zone, personal zone, social zone, public zone)

Business Communication:


         Vast majority of problems in business are caused by ineffective communication in one form or another
         Businesses essentially human focused organisations
         Value of good communications therefore inestimable

To Whom?
         Necessity of being sensitive to the receiver

         Who the communication is aimed at is an important factor    :
         The nature of the medium and the content may depend on who it is aimed at
         Should communication be formal or informal?

Directions of Communication
This is the last post.


Serein is an English-language documentary newspaper published in Dhaka, Bangladesh, founded in 2017.

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